Held at our Pleassnt pottery studio 322 E 5th Ave
You will need to supply your own mask. This can be either an N95 mask or an organic respirator; though if you plan on mixing bigger batches of glazes on your own in the future, we recommend you buy a more serious organic respirators. They can be found at any hardware store, but paint stores normally sell the more comfortable ones. 
Part art, part science, we go deep into why glazes look and behave the way they do so you can learn to invent your own unique glazes.
Covering test tile construction, mixing small batch glazes and how to achieve different colour effects and special effects in glaze behaviour. The class will be taught through a series of lectures broken up by hands on experiences mixing up your own glaze.
If you have a digital scale, please bring it. We do have some here at the studio, but it is ideal to get used to working with yours.
Includes glaze materials for test batches, 2lbs clay for test tiles and one 500 gram batch of glaze of your choosing from your test tiles.
Instructor: Rylie
Glaze Chemistry Class 322 E 5th Ave
Return Policy: Refunds are only available up to 10 business days before the class starts, a $65 admin fee is charged for all refunds.
Any classes interrupted by a mandatory or voluntary closure of studio due to Covid will be postponed and a class credit is to be redeemed within 6 months of the postponement. See Open Studio Information for how to redeem class credits.
If you are individually affected by covid, an equivalent amount of open studio sessions will be granted with a doctors note provided. There are no refunds due to Covid.
Held at our Mount Pleasant Studio 322 E. 5th Ave. knock on door upon arrival and Rylie will let you in. Please show your registration confirmation .
Arrive early to find parking